A suggestion for adding to the interest and ambiance of a Dance and Movement Therapy session is to introduce colour. We are all aware, unless we are colour blind, of its presence in Nature and the Man Made World. There are associations with Gods, priestly vestments, people's characters and distinctions between professions and trades. Without light there is no life. By day the Sun gives us light and by night the Moon. There is no way (thank goodness) that we can influence this natural cycle. Most people can only see the colors of the Rainbow. Others can perceive some of the colors of the next spectrum.
Blue light kills the bacteria that can lead to skin inflammation and the redness that is a classic symptom of acne. We naturally carry bacteria over the whole surface of the skin. Most of the time this causes no problems at all. But if the bacteria increase in levels the skin can become irritated and start to become inflamed. Blue light kills bacteria and is a useful tool for keeping it under control.
How can a lichttherapie lampe help in getting over jet lag or indeed in help a person to overcome SAD? As the days get shorter and shorter as winter approaches, the SAD sufferer will go into a sort of depression because s/he needs light. When there is snow, people tend to suffer less from SAD as there is so much more light.
I've experiences with light therapy been one of the millions throughout the past years looking for solution. For so long, the word had a capital "D" for me, and I thought of it almost as some kind of alien monster that invaded humans and made them powerless. Or else some kind of state that had no cause and therefore could never be understood. Which is not, when Join now you think about it, that different from what the medical profession tells us. It's a disease that they have no real explanation for.
Your body clock will not be able to keep with the plane as it crosses several time zones very quickly so it will end up out of sync with the destination time. In addition changes to night and daytime come very quickly and the rhythms which normally Light therapy for vitamin D deficiency our eating and sleeping routine are all out of gear. In addition, the rhythm of our body temperature will be skewed as well.
Take care. Whether you want to admit it or not you're in a fragile state. Eat healthfully. Get exercise. Pray often. Limit your exposure to bad news and to those of your friends and family who tend to focus on the negative. While sympathy is appreciated, constantly listening to variations of "ain't it awful" will only reinforce negativity in your mind and heart.
Be sure to have a dedicated work area and be sure that area is clean. Make sure your seat is high enough and everything feels comfortable. You should think about getting an ergonomical keyboard if you have wrist issues.